Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! (And a Fall Leaves Bento!)

Hi everyone!  Here's wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!  Hope your day is filled with friends, family, and delicious food!

I made a "Fall Leaves" bento to celebrate the season and the holiday... I know I usually wait until the end of the week to talk about bentos, but I just had to share this one! ^_^

11-24-10 Fall Leaves Bento

-Soy-Ginger Shrimp with Pineapple Chutney
-Rice with Red Pepper "Leaf"
-Spicy Red Cabbage Slaw
-Sugar Snap Peas
-Star Fruit
-Black Coconut Candy "Leaf"

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. So vibrant! I'm always impressed by your use of color, its fantastic!

  2. This one really sparkles and scintillates, Megg! I agree with Heather, such beautiful colors in your feasty bentos....

  3. I'm leaving everyone belated Thanksgiving wishes, haha. Man I'm so behind on my blog reading. That star fruit looks amazing! Usually the star fruit I can buy around here are old and kind of sad :(
